date:: 24 feb
// arguement occured
People, if you're thinking that argument can help to solve the problem, then you’re absolutely wrong!
How will a team without heart and soul going to be successful?
Everyone has different opinion and thoughts and ended up with two groups…what’s the point of making so much nonsense?
Discussion under table is the stupidest idea ever when you’re in a group…
After the two hours of “discussion”, we do hope that the problem is settled.
As the founder of freshmute, we never thought of it as completing our assignment but for FRESHMUTE.
How will a team without heart and soul going to be successful?
Everyone has different opinion and thoughts and ended up with two groups…what’s the point of making so much nonsense?
Discussion under table is the stupidest idea ever when you’re in a group…
After the two hours of “discussion”, we do hope that the problem is settled.
As the founder of freshmute, we never thought of it as completing our assignment but for FRESHMUTE.